BrasilPortu – Bearwood, Birmingham

Bearwood High Street? More like Beerwood High Street! You see, it now has a craft beer place on it so it’s officially allowed to be called a high street rather than just a road. Congratulations!

It was outside this craft beer place while sinking a couple of juicy pints that I started talking to a man about where else you can drink beer in Beerwood and he mentioned a Brazilian restaurant up the road.

I said, “you won’t believe this, but I’m actually the FoodieBoys.”

“The what?” he replied.

“The FoodieBoys.”

He must have been drinking REALLY strong beer because he didn’t have a clue what I was on about.

I decided to head there anyway as I don’t think I’ve ever really eaten Brazilian food – other than when you go somewhere and they slice off endless chunks of meat and you end up feeling a bit disgusted with yourself.

For the first time, I saw the clock with all the bear heads round it which I’d never noticed before, it made me think maybe that thing about ‘looking up more’ is good advice. So, with this in mind I marched across the road staring at the sky and caused a 15 car pile up.

I got to the door of BrasilPortu, there were some men outside all talking Portuguese, I thought, ‘no sweat, I know about seven words of Spanish I can chuck out there if necessary.’

It turns out this place is owned by actual Brazilian people, inside there’s a deli with all sorts of exciting looking produce – it gave me the feeling of going to a supermarket on holiday which we all know is the best thing about going on holiday.

There’s also a deli and their own butcher, and for this reason I decided to have the rump steak from their grill section of the menu.

For a starter I order the prawn croquettes expecting six tiny morsels, they were fucking massive so I ended up taking four of them home with me.

The beef was good, two hefty slabs of tender, well-cooked beef served with three sides of your choice for £15.99.

Being the bold and adventurous type I chose chips, salad and tropeiro. Now, you’re probably wondering what the hell one of those is, well, you get potatoes, chop them up and fry them. Only joking, tropeiro is a mixture of spring greens, mixed beans, egg and smoked sausage.

I bloody loved it, it was the first time in god knows how long I’d gone out and eaten something new and unexpected – which made me think maybe I need to look up more and talk to more strangers in pubs. I’ll let you know how that goes.

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