Review: The Boot – Lapworth

Now, I can hear you all screaming at your screens: “Where’s Lapworth? How is this relevant to me?”

Well, a little confession. Tony here actually isn’t from London. I’m from the Midlands! No! Come back! And it is relevant to you because you might end up there one day, you simply do not know what the future holds.

Other than the smattering of Michelin starred places in Birmingham City centre the midlands is somewhat of a foodie nightmare, fortunatly there are a chain of gastropubs owned by the Lovely Pubs group, offering something other than curry to the hungry Brummie.

I’ve been to a couple of their venues before, and haven’t been overly impressed. I often find myself loudly remarking, “Oh! They’ve just discovered pulled pork!” or other similar sentiments.

However, I thoroughly enjoyed the Boot and let me tell you why.

To start I wolfed down – Bubble and squeak with homemade spam fritters, poached egg & piccalilli. The waitress remarked as she brought it over, “I never know why I ask who this is for, it’s always the men!”

Bubble and squeak with homemade spam fritters, poached egg & piccalilli
Bubble and squeak with homemade spam fritters, poached egg & piccalilli

The staff at these pubs are often Australians, so perhaps read that last sentence again but in an Australian accent. She may have said “blokes” rather than “men” but I can’t be sure. Anyway, I enjoyed her reinforcement of my masculinity.

My main was BBQ rubbed breast of duck, bok choy & shiitake mushrooms with duck gyoza & red chilli glaze. This was most pleasant. The duck was perfectly cooked, and the sambal accompanying it had a subtle, but enjoyable kick.

“It’s spicy as fuck, eh mate?” The waitress could have said.

BBQ rubbed breast of duck, bok choy & shiitake mushrooms with duck gyoza & red chilli glaze
BBQ rubbed breast of duck, bok choy & shiitake mushrooms with duck gyoza & red chilli glaze

My dessert was a honey pannacotta, poached apricots, flapjack crumble. This was OK.

The waitress may have remarked, “Crikey, that’s OK.”

Honey pannacotta, poached apricots, flapjack crumble
Honey pannacotta, poached apricots, flapjack crumble

Washed down with a very reasonably priced bottle of merlot, one left in good spirits, contemplating what the equivalent of these Aussies coming to work in the outskirts of Solihull is. I decided it’d be like me packing up and moving to Parramatta to work in an RSL. Something I’d like to say will never happen, but as I said at the start you simply do not know what the future holds.


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